

Researchers from the Chemistry Department explain their projects in Impact.pub articles



Teresa Santos-Silva, researcher at UCIBIO (Xtal - Macromolecular Crystallography lab) and Assistant Professor at the Chemistry Department-FCT NOVA explains the impact and relevance of her research. The treatment of rheumatoid arthritis generally consists of anti-inflammatory drugs, but here Teresa Santos-Silva explains why she hopes carbon monoxide will become the treatment of the future.

Impact article


Alexandre Paiva, researcher at LAQV (Bio(chemical) Process Engineering), in the Chemistry Department-FCT NOVA, is working towards a greener pharmaceutical industry. There is an increasing emphasis within the chemical industry to embrace and emphasise so-called green and natural chemicals in everyday processes and reduce the overall burden on the planet. Here, Alexandre Paiva explains how he is investigating the use of deep eutectic solvents in this field.

Impact article