

Paula Branco elected president of the Organic Chemistry Division of SPQ


Paula Branco, researcher at LAQV and professor at the Chemistry Department - FCT NOVA, was elected the new president of the Division of Organic Chemistry of the Portuguese Chemical Society (SPQ). The election took place during the 13th National Organic Chemistry Meeting (13ENQO) & 6th National Medicinal Chemistry Meeting (6ENQT), in January 15-17, 2020 at the University of Aveiro, Portugal.

The Division of Organic Chemistry of the Portuguese Chemical Society (SPQ) aims to disseminate and promote Organic Chemistry in the scope of the Chemical Society in Portugal.

Paula Branco says that one of the events that will be promoted is “the next joint congress organized by the Organic and Medicinal Chemistry divisions of the Portuguese Chemical Society, that will take place at FCT NOVA in 2022”.