

6th European Conference on Chemistry for Life Sciences



The 6th European Conference on Chemistry for Life Sciences (6th ECCLS) will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, in June 10-12, 2015.

Lisbon meeting will be sixth in a series and will join together scientists from different backgrounds in order to facilitate translation of knowledge between chemistry and biology.

The list of confirmed Invited Speakers includes Peter Tompa (Belgium), Eva Töth (France), Ernest Giralt (Spain), Cecília Roque (Portugal) and Stuart Conway (UK). A Joint session with the European Federation of Medicinal Chemistry is also included.

The conference will be preceded by the Protein School that will cover topics under the scope of "Identification of Novel Target in Medicine and Biology - Applied Techniques" (Free for PhD and early career Postdoctoral Fellows that are registered in the conference, limited to 50).

This conference is an activity of the EuCheMS (European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences) Division of Chemistry in Life Sciences, and cover topics not exclusively on Intrinsically disordered proteins, Nanobiotechnology and applications, Metabolomics, Drug-design and nanomedicine, Membrane proteins and receptors, Imaging, Carbohydrates and applications, Nucleic Acids ­ folding, structure and functions, Chemical modification of proteins, In silico and molecular modeling, and Hot topics on Chemical Biology.

We are looking forward to meet you at 6th ECCLS and hope this will be a fruitful and pleasant scientific event.