


Cecília Roque, professor at DQ-FCT NOVA and principal researcher at UCIBIO, has been distinguished with a European Research Council (ERC) Proof of Concept grant with the project "ENSURE: Non-invasive follow-up of urinary tract cancers" aiming to validate the technological and business feasibility of an innovative method for the non-invasive follow-up of bladder cancer patients.


Investigadores do Departamento de Química da FCT NOVA estão entre os investigadores incluídos na "World’s Top 2% Scientists list", na última atualização ao ranking dos cientistas mais citados a nível mundial. O estudo, coordenado por John Ioannidis, da Universidade de Stanford, teve como suporte a Scopus, uma base de dados online internacional de artigos científicos, e respectivas citações, em diversas tipologias, para jornais e revistas académicas.


Cristiano Mota e Maria João Romão, do laboratório Macromolecular Crystallography da UCIBIO no Departamento de Química da FCT NOVA, identificaram o funcionamento de uma proteína capaz de reduzir dióxido de carbono (CO2) presente na atmosfera. Os resultados publicados na revista ACS Catalysis, em colaboração com investigadores do ITQB NOVA indicam novos caminhos para resolver um dos maiores desafios atuais para a sustentabilidade do planeta: a neutralidade carbónica.


Paula Branco, researcher at LAQV and professor at the Chemistry Department - FCT NOVA, was elected the new president of the Division of Organic Chemistry of the Portuguese Chemical Society (SPQ).


The Chemistry Department at FCT-NOVA invites you to join our celebration of the Global Women’s Breakfast, at Campus de Caparica, Portugal.

A green networking @ FCT NOVA will try to figure out how to blend professional life with personal life.

How to achieve a work-life balance for women in STEAM leadership?



Using combinations of molecules that form deep eutectic systems, Ana Rita Duarte, leader of the des.solve lab at LAQV - FCT NOVA, was able to ally anticancer and anti-inflammatory properties of natural occurring molecules, such as limonene, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances, such as ibuprofen, creating a new formulation that unveils a potential chemotherapeutical deep eutectic solvent (DES) for cancer treatment. 


Andrew Livingston, Professor de Engenharia Química no Imperial College London, estará na FCT NOVA no dia 22 de Outubro às 12h00 no Auditório da Biblioteca, com o seminário “Molecular Separations in Organic Solvents, and the Quest for Perfect Polymers”.

Andrew Livingston será homenageado com a Cerimónia de Doutoramento Honoris Causa a ter lugar no Auditório da Reitoria da NOVA, no dia 21 de Outubro pelas 17h00.


Sir Martyn Poliakoff will be distinguished with an honorary doctorate by NOVA University Lisbon on 22nd July, at 11:00 am at the Auditorium of NOVA University of Lisbon Rectorate, Campolide Campus. On 23rd July at 12:00, Sir Martyn Poliakoff will give a seminar at the Auditorium of FCT NOVA, in the scope of the celebrations of the International Year of the Periodic Table.


Ana Rita Duarte, Professor and leader of the Des.solve lab at LAQV in FCT NOVA, is the coordinator of the Cost Action “CA18224 - Green Chemical Engineering Network towards upscaling sustainable processes” that has been approved by the Committee of Senior Officials on the 4th of June 2019.
