

Maria Florbela Bento Martinho de Sá Pereira

Assistant Researcher
Chemistry Section
(+351) 212948300

Research Interests

- CHEM4ALL – ICT tools for teaching chemistry to blinds and visually impaired students (financing from FC&T – RIPD/APD/109547/2009).

- Automatic learning of chemical reactivity and toxicity from molecular structures.

- 1D NMR data as molecular descriptors in spectra–structure relationship analysis of natural compounds

Main Publications

- Prediction of the anomeric configuration, type of linkage and residues in disaccharides from 1D 13C NMR data, F. Pereira*, Carbohydr. Res., 2011, 346, 960-972.
- MOLinsight: A web portal for the processing of molecular structures by blind students, F. Pereira*, J. Aires-de-Sousa, V. D. B. Bonifácio, P. Mata, A. M. Lobo, J. Chem. Educ., 2011, 88, 361-362.
- Solid state interactions of omeprazole and precursors with β-cyclodextrin host molecule, S. S. Braga, P. Ribeiro-Claro, M. Pillinger, I. S. Gonçalves*, A. C. Fernandes, F. Pereira, C. Romão, P. B. Correia, J. J. C. Teixeira-Dias, J. Incl. Phenom. Macrocycl. Chem., 2003, 47, 47-52. 


MOLinsight web portal